
© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

My dear loving Mother,

In my birthday book Sri Aurobindo has written, "Rise into the higher Consciousness, let its light control and transform the nature." Some time back you wrote to me, "One good jump to the higher consciousness where all problems are solved and you will get rid of your difficulties." Now what exactly is this higher consciousness and how may I rise or jump into it? And again you have said, "Let divine love be your goal. Let pure love be your way. Be always true to your love and all difficulties will be conquered." Is this higher consciousness the same thing as a state of pure love and, if so, how would it be related to a state of higher knowledge?

The higher Consciousness is a state of pure love but it is also a state of pure openness to divine knowledge. There is no opposition there between these two kindred things; it is the mind that makes them separate.

The best way to get to it is to refuse all mental agitation when it comes, also all vital desires and turmoils, and to keep the mind and heart turned as constantly as possible towards the Divine. The love for the Divine is the strongest force for doing this.

My love and blessings.

19 October 1939

Collected Works of The Mother, First Edition, Volume 16, p. 217