
© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust


To rectify and to efface: both are possible, but in both cases, though in varying degrees, a transformation of the nature, of the character, is needed. What is wrongly done must be changed in oneself first, before one can hope to change the consequence of one's action.

11 January 1951


It is only when people truly want their consciousness to be changed that their actions also can be changed.


A change of consciousness and when our consciousness will change we will know what the change is.



1. Hatred into harmony

2. Jealousy into generosity

3. Ignorance into knowledged p. 240]

4. Darkness into light

5. Falsehood into truth

6. Wickedness into goodness

7. War into peace

8. Fear into fearlessness

9. Uncertainty into certainty

10. Doubt into faith

11. Confusion into order

12. Defeat into victory

9 October 1951


Liberty and order

Fraternity and independence

Equality and hierarchy

Unity and diversity

Abundance and scarcity

Effort and repose

Power and compassion

Discernment and benevolence

Generosity and economy

Wastage and avarice


Conversion: the starting-point of realisation.


Conversion: the turning of all the movements of the being towards the Divine.


Resurrection: the falling off of the old consciousness, followed by the awakening of the true being out of it.


New birth: birth of the true consciousness, that of the Divine Presence in us.


Realisation: the goal of our efforts.


Realisation--that is what we aspire for and for which we shall strive unceasingly however long it may take.


Power of realisation: with the realisation all obstacles will be overcome.


Collected Works of The Mother, First Edition, Volume 15, pp. 239-241