
© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

43--If God draw me towards Heaven, then, even if His other hand strive to keep me in Hell, yet must I struggle upwards. [new p. 66]

Does not God know what He wants for us? Why should He want to pull us in two opposite directions?

God knows perfectly well what He wants for us. He wants to bring us all back to Him in a perfect union. The goal is one, the same for all; but the means, the methods and the procedures for reaching it are innumerable. There are just as many as there are beings on earth; and each one of these means is an exact expression of the will of the Supreme Lord, who, in his integral vision and perfect wisdom, does what is needful for each person.

So if someone needs a contradiction, an inner opposition to intensify his aspiration and effort, the Lord, in His infinite Grace, even while drawing this being upward and giving him the power to rise, will at the same time hold him down to create in him the resistance needed to intensify his aspiration and effort.

And if, like Sri Aurobindo, you can see that both movements have the same divine origin, then, instead of lamenting and being alarmed, you rejoice and keep a firm and luminous faith.

19 July 1960


Collected Works of The Mother, First Edition, Volume10, p. 66